Managing File Imports

The IAM File Import is used to add organizations, users, roles, attributes, and data items such as PSIDs and FEINs in Identity and Access Management (IAM) from a spreadsheet rather than by manually entering them in IAM.

This section is written for Dayforce personnel who will manage importing IAM organizations, users, roles, optional attributes, and data items such as PSIDs and FEINs. This document doesn’t give details about using IAM. For detailed information regarding prerequisites, formatting information in the template, and error descriptions, refer to the File Import User Guide.

The process flow of how data gets imported into IAM is as follows:

  • Prepare Excel input spreadsheet using the template provided for download in IAM. The template can be downloaded on the File Import page in IAM.
  • Process input spreadsheet using IAM File Import.
  • Review status of imported organizations and users in IAM.

Warning: The spreadsheet is validated in IAM using File Import. Errors when entering data into the spreadsheet will not be apparent until then. Care should be given when entering data in the spreadsheet to prevent errors during the validation process.
